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best game I've ever played. It touched my soul, and taught me life lesson. Game of the year, the new decade too maybe. One masterpiece that people, even other creatures will find it meaningful after centuries

10/10 need more

Best game ever

This game was deceptively fun! I had a blast playing it! Good job!

what do you mean "deceptively"? i fell in love with this game the second I saw the title

I did it I almost saved the world

Save the world? more like destroyed the world

I found him! But I lost the crünch 😭

the greatest game ever created

If this aint gonna be game of the year then I don't know what is! 12/10, would play again (n again), super funny, classic meme shit post which is perfect n I enjoyed every single moment haha! Good job kypello!

Deleted 1 year ago

i know you can't just let that icey baby live

Deleted 4 years ago

h a t e fills my soul when thinking of that treacherous icey baby

I played this all the way through last night and I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it. I was on ambien the whole time tho

don worry u liked it this game is GOTY material 4 sure

I have been playing this game for a week. I have become obsessed with speedrunning it. My time is now below 3 minutes. I have tried my hardest to get out of bounds and have succeeded. Anyone else with tricks or tips?

dude how did u get out tho

I did not. I jumped from building to building and reset when I fell. 

(1 edit)

My best time is 2.41, wbu?

Edit: I got it down to a 1:50

ware is sequl. i wan kill ice age baby 4 real now. (no but srsly tho kypello i actually will start murdering people if you don't complete the sequel in the next week b/c this quarantine is boring af k? thx.)


PS I kno ware u live so hurry up

yeah there is PLENTY of time to make a sequel where you can really destroy that icey baby


and the most satisfying :D


the most meme game I've ever played


Walkthroughs kill Ice Age Baby

wakltoughs kil ic ag bebi


10/10 IGN 


truly the best triple A title of the year.  captivating.

Very good, very hyped fo sequel

Delicious. I absolutely love this and it made me laugh at 3 am.

Beat it in 2:50

Have you found any new strats? I have managed to clip by jumping on Bernie Sanders and then a flagpole and then the tourture chamber to skip buying the machette and therefore skipping talking to the planar being guy. I don't know if this saves time or not. I wanna know; Have you found or used similar things?

the fastest time as far as I’m aware is 1:43

Holy frick. His text scrolls like 10X faster than mine, seeing as I'm on a chromebook. I had no idea you could jump over the fence. Did you ever anticipate people actually speedrunning a game this odd?

Deleted 5 years ago

actually it’s just a bug. Part of the cheese is clipping through the bottom of the ice and you can get it if you click in the right spot


I beat it in 1:50, wanna collab and beat the best time?

GOTY 2020


game was as good as you mom last night i am your mom


Perfect,(not but seriously good game).


we're all waiting for a sequel kypello... when will it come??

Such a great game broke my ears


this is beautiful. i NEED to know how you made this. words can not describe just how much of a work of art this is. good job verry


This has changed my life forever, Part 2 please


make part 2?

(ice age baby goes to russia?)


Im a better person now


Kill the ice age baby adventure: the game is an absolute masterpiece. A stroke of genius in a world of idiots. It's like the Bible of video games, with The Witcher 3 being the new testament. I've been uplifted, cleansed, Everytime I play Kill the ice age baby adventure: the game. The man kypello is a Mastermind, the Mark Zuckerberg of video game developers,with kill the ice age baby adventure: the game being his magnum opus. Kill the ice age baby adventure: the game forever.

Oh hell yeah

That was....B E A U T I F U L

(1 edit) (+1)


What is the music from? When you walk around outside of buildings




He Died like probably 2.4 million years ago, I mean he's from the ice age.

Happy Birthday I have a present for you retard or may I say, person who turned into a retard

(1 edit)

Ice Age Baby Has Coronavirus



This game has an extremely captivating storyline, it has a large assortment of lovable/likable characters, and overall just a great design. The ending really caught me off guard, and I am really hoping for a sequel. This game touched my heart.

(2 edits) (+3)

10/10 would play again

spedrun it in 4:06.98

tried again and got 2:59.59

Speed run from which  part to which part?

i did it at 2:57.91

(from pressing start to closing final dialogue)

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