Holy shit this was the best game i have ever played in my 64 years of existence on this divine earth thank you so much for yuour controbution to society god bless you xoxo thank you
i go stranger garfiled azuz plane sans cave shop crunch elephant mc donalds i got like 2 50 i dont remember lmao also imma put this on speedrun.com but i have to wait a week
I was playing this game on my chrome book last night and now i cant and it says "your browser does not support webGL" but webGL works on other websites. So how can i fix this
just did another playthrough and once again 10/10 game but unfortunately speedrunning of this game comes down to whoever can click the fastest so in the sequel (i hope) you might consider adding some platforming to give the game some extra depth. anyways still love the game tanks for giving us this
sorry for the late reply i think it was kind redditor then you go around the corner to garfield and others and pick up the dimension cube and pancakes for sans so basically a circle then you should be able to buy everything unless you missed one i use the hypno berries first the talk to the frog from there its a straight path (i forgot the chest in the maze i think i do that before talking to sans
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so sppoojkey!
best game ever other tham minecraft and undertale and call of duty
i was specting an screemer in the spoopy cave
what is this mastapece of a game
i wnder what the sequel would be...
no Ronald, I was disappointed too
it frezzes on me
very fun game
my first lucid dream
Holy shit this was the best game i have ever played in my 64 years of existence on this divine earth thank you so much for yuour controbution to society god bless you xoxo thank you
I still can't get over the fact Ice Age baby fought against the US in Irak
that was beautiful
my friend can skip all the voice lines by "spam clicking" how does this work, im tryna beat him
friend is donuttalktome btw
I don’t think that’s possible
might be because he has better frames
I made it in 2:15.71. I dont remember how I did it but there can be time cut on some parts.
i go stranger garfiled azuz plane sans cave shop crunch elephant mc donalds i got like 2 50 i dont remember lmao also imma put this on speedrun.com but i have to wait a week
I was playing this game on my chrome book last night and now i cant and it says "your browser does not support webGL" but webGL works on other websites. So how can i fix this
just did another playthrough and once again 10/10 game but unfortunately speedrunning of this game comes down to whoever can click the fastest so in the sequel (i hope) you might consider adding some platforming to give the game some extra depth. anyways still love the game tanks for giving us this
y e s
I lost my bathroom after seeing this and I must shit
What the heck XD
10/10 best game ever
screw ice age baby
wooow epic game yes 100
Epic. Truly amazing. This is the next level in modern gaming ladies and gentlemen. Check out this video for a more detailed review
what in the fuck
im with you on this
rip headphones users at the start and its pretty laggy
need part two
part two
amazing, need dat part 2
waiting for part 2
Btw Can U Explain This?
Yellow man suck star fish
why are people like thi
This Game Is Epic... DO MORE MEMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is the best game PERIOD
Thank you, fuck you who stole senpai
Notice Me Senpai
you name is a swear word
yuh have a problem with it
The kids
The kids go to itch dumb dumb
im a kid i dont have a problem with it
uhm ok?
your dumb
litterally the best game ive played in at least 3 months, we need a sequel
Amazing and life changing
This is the greatest game of all time. Would play the sequel if its made.
plz make the 32bit version
i get horny thinking about a part 2 to this
this game is holy and righteous with story like none other and a story with back-tracking done right
update i speedran and got a time of 2m23s94 can anyone beat me?
what order of coins did you get
sorry for the late reply i think it was kind redditor then you go around the corner to garfield and others and pick up the dimension cube and pancakes for sans so basically a circle then you should be able to buy everything unless you missed one i use the hypno berries first the talk to the frog from there its a straight path (i forgot the chest in the maze i think i do that before talking to sans
best game i have ever played, if this doesn't get game of the year i'm gonna commit several war crimes
when is part 2