Honestly, I really had a fun time with this experience. I thought it was far better than you're giving yourself credit for. I'm with you ride or die until we catch the ice age baby. <3
Hi, how am I from Mexico City and if I liked your game it is quite entertaining and I like the characters made me have a fun time. :) Note: Hey, you should put a tip jar(paypal tip jar), so I put it in my project at https://simmer.io/
Hola que tal soy de ciudad de mexico y si me gusto tu juego esta bastante entretenido y me gustan los personajes me hizo pasar un rato de diversion. :)
Nota: Oye, deberías poner un tarro de las propinas, así lo puse en mi proyecto en https://simmer.io/
This game was loud and funny as hell and I really enjoyed it. I played until my brain was done. I liked it so much I put it in my video for the creator to see the player reaction. The video has 3 other games and this one is the third.
TBH this is a great game if you have like 20 minutes and want to laugh. This is one of the best quallity "meme games" I've played in a long time and Its SUPER easy to run even if you have a slow pc :)
I know this game is just for memes. But you can put a little more time on this game. The game is also kinda boring becouse there is sooooo much conversations.
What you can do:
remove uneccesary or make the conversations shorter.
Make a clear goal. Right now you have to just run and talk to everyone on the map. You can just delete every thing that is uneccesary like ppl that just talk and dont do a shit.
make a menu and settings just so the player feel the developer has put some effort in the game.
In the end you can put a Mission complete or something. Just so the player knows he have completed the game.
hey i just wanted to say that this is a good game and if the creator had done things in more detail he would have spend a lot of time and the meme would be dead. So basically this it's well done.
I mean... I was trying to make a game that looked like it had as little effort as possible put into it. So that means intentionally ignoring those kind of things.
And then there’s the fact that if I put any more time into it the meme would have been dead before I finished
I cant believe how much this has impacted me i just want to play it all day please make a sequel thats long and better this has impacted me both emotionally and psychicaly as it motivates me to go to the gym. thanks
I loved the game. The story was very pleasing and I am happy there is a game to help me cope with the amount of hate i have for ice age baby. Sadly, I was unsatisfied with the ending of the game. I am currently crying while typing this due to the demon ice age baby escaping. Please make another, I would love to finish that devil child off.
I played on mute, actually an okay game. Good story overall, nice gameplay mechanics to keep me coming back, and a maze and parkour puzzle, not to hard but not to easy! I just don't know if the game was supposed to end after Baby escapes with 1 health...
Hey, Proffessional game speedruner here. I will do a speedrun of this game and upload it to youtube. I love this game. It definitelly has the c r u n c h it needs
i literally made an account to tell to to go fucking kill yourself and burn in hell, this developer can actually make games. what can you do? suck you moms dick?
My post is low IQ? i swear i fucking lost all of my brain cells just looking at your post, i did not even have to read it to know it was gonna be another shitty person like you
← Return to game
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i loved it keep up the good work
havent played it yet but it looks like a masterpiece
lovely xD
More games like this need to be made
If you do not like this game, then you are a shitpost
Is the 'you will lose brain cells' a spifey reference?
i got over the wall
I am disappointed by the fact that you do not get to murder the baby
Best Game 15/10 BIg pp award plz create sequal so we can finally destroy himmmm
bruh spoilers
Ice age baby: the movie
the end of movie: ice age baby dies and everyone smiles
Yay! 420/10
best game ever made!!!!
cant wait for the sequel
Hi, how am I from Mexico City and if I liked your game it is quite entertaining and I like the characters made me have a fun time. :) Note: Hey, you should put a tip jar(paypal tip jar), so I put it in my project at https://simmer.io/
Hola que tal soy de ciudad de mexico y si me gusto tu juego esta bastante entretenido y me gustan los personajes me hizo pasar un rato de diversion. :)
Nota: Oye, deberías poner un tarro de las propinas, así lo puse en mi proyecto en https://simmer.io/
This game was loud and funny as hell and I really enjoyed it. I played until my brain was done. I liked it so much I put it in my video for the creator to see the player reaction. The video has 3 other games and this one is the third.
does anyone know what the music that plays in mcdoonalds is called?
That's the pizza theme from Spiderman 2 Playstation, but I made it loud and annoying
thank you
pizza time
P i z z a
T i m e
TBH this is a great game if you have like 20 minutes and want to laugh. This is one of the best quallity "meme games" I've played in a long time and Its SUPER easy to run even if you have a slow pc :)
I liked the bit where the baby went bonk
I know this game is just for memes. But you can put a little more time on this game. The game is also kinda boring becouse there is sooooo much conversations.
What you can do:
hey i just wanted to say that this is a good game and if the creator had done things in more detail he would have spend a lot of time and the meme would be dead. So basically this it's well done.
I mean... I was trying to make a game that looked like it had as little effort as possible put into it. So that means intentionally ignoring those kind of things.
And then there’s the fact that if I put any more time into it the meme would have been dead before I finished
Bruh GoT SCammed CVOuldnt Kill The f*****n Baby
hi how do u run this on linux? ty
you cant ;) Use the browser version to play
I cant believe how much this has impacted me i just want to play it all day please make a sequel thats long and better this has impacted me both emotionally and psychicaly as it motivates me to go to the gym. thanks
I will beat this time ez. Auto clicker is not allowed on any runs. It was clearly on for the whole run
ok bro
This is true art and hit me deep inside. Game of the year by far.
I've never experienced something so beautiful this is not just a game, a shitpost this is a work of God. keep on working buddy
you should make a game were the only thing you do is torture ice age baby and he has infinite health
I loved the game. The story was very pleasing and I am happy there is a game to help me cope with the amount of hate i have for ice age baby. Sadly, I was unsatisfied with the ending of the game. I am currently crying while typing this due to the demon ice age baby escaping. Please make another, I would love to finish that devil child off.
I played on mute, actually an okay game. Good story overall, nice gameplay mechanics to keep me coming back, and a maze and parkour puzzle, not to hard but not to easy! I just don't know if the game was supposed to end after Baby escapes with 1 health...
Hey, Proffessional game speedruner here. I will do a speedrun of this game and upload it to youtube. I love this game. It definitelly has the c r u n c h it needs
Is there any way to skip the text?
you spam the interaction button
Holy Hell.
I hope this is a joke.
well dont be so rud
i literally made an account to tell to to go fucking kill yourself and burn in hell, this developer can actually make games. what can you do? suck you moms dick?
Woah, woah!
We don't have to fight, y'know.
He started talking shit so i had to say something back
My post is low IQ? i swear i fucking lost all of my brain cells just looking at your post, i did not even have to read it to know it was gonna be another shitty person like you
For all fans of this game i’ve started an unofficial subreddit at https://www.reddit.com/r/KillIceAgeBabyGame/
Join up!
New WR
This game let my dad come home after ten years of searching for the milk.
This game is a piece of art.
Normally I write a complete review of the game I've played with the pros and cons, but this.. this is an experience you have to try for yourself.
I hope there will be a part 2 some day, because my mind and body craves for it.
To me, this will top any AAA game coming out this year, hands down.
bad memes and plays obnxious loud music watch out don't play with headphones or just in general it is so loud